8 Reasons Why Your Agency Should Become a White Label Mobile App Reseller

The mobile app industry is rapidly evolving. You could argue that the popularity and penetration of mobile apps in our daily lives are growing faster than the Internet. As a result, the demand for mobile apps is seemingly at an all-time high.
This is especially true for businesses both large and small. In fact, 42% of small businesses currently have a mobile app. An additional 30% of small business owners plan to build an app in the future.
Young business owners are early adopters. 55% of Millennial business owners already have an app for their small business, that’s 13% higher than the overall average.
As an agency, you can use this information to your advantage.
You already have clients that you’re managing and consulting with. So why not add some value to your services and make some extra money on top of it?
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If your current and prospective clients want a mobile app, they might as well get it from you instead of looking elsewhere. Becoming a white label mobile app reseller is a great opportunity for you to gain a competitive advantage over other agencies while offering all services under one roof.
We’ll talk about all of this in greater detail as we continue through this guide.
For those of you who are on the fence about adding white label reseller services to your agency, I’ll explain the top reasons why this is a great idea.
1. High Demand For Mobile Apps
Businesses want to invest in mobile apps. As I mentioned earlier, more than half of the small business owners who don’t have a mobile app plan to develop one.
They’ve recognized the trends with mobile app usage among their customer base. Launching a mobile app is the only way to deliver an excellent mobile experience to those customers.
But business apps go far and beyond just appeasing customers. There are so many businesses out there that need an app for internal uses as well. Companies can use mobile apps to improve HR inefficiencies or enhance communication with deskless workers.
The possibilities are endless. So even if a current client of yours already has an app for their customers, they still might be in the market for an internal business solution.
According to Google Trends, the search term for “mobile app development” is at an all-time high.
As you can see from the graph, the global interest in this topic has been trending upward at a steady pace for the last decade. There has also been a sharp rise in search popularity over the past two years.
Think about that for a second.
Honestly, I was blown away when I saw this. How long have mobile apps been around for?
The Apple App Store officially launched back in 2008. There were just over 500 apps available at this time. That’s the most modern version of mobile apps as we know them today.
All of us have been using mobile apps on a daily basis in the smartphone era. But people are still searching for app development on Google, today, more than ever before.
This means that the demand and need for app development solutions still haven’t reached its full potential. There is no sign of this trend slowing down in the near future, and you’ll see more proof of this as we continue through this guide.
Let’s get back to your clients and their needs. Here’s a look at the top reasons why small businesses are building mobile apps.
Attracting new customers, gaining a competitive advantage, and increasing sales are the top three responses.
Do these reasons look familiar? What are the selling points at your agency?
I’m willing to bet that you sign new clients based on your promise to help them with these three factors. Essentially, the benefits of mobile apps are synonymous with your agency’s value proposition.
2. Inexpensive Entry to Market
Like any business venture, the cost is obviously something that needs to be taken into consideration before you make any decisions. You’ll need to weigh the cost of your investment against the potential risks and profits.
How much will it cost you? What can you expect to get in return?
But unlike other business opportunities, you don’t need to invest huge sums of cash to become a mobile app reseller. The cost structure for a white label app is very friendly for the reseller agency.
In most instances, you’ll pay a monthly fee for the app building services. Then you can upcharge your clients whatever price you see fit to meet your desired margins.
Once you start onboarding clients there is a huge potential for growth.
In addition to the inexpensive costs, becoming a white label app reseller can deliver massive ROI for your agency. No matter how you set up your pricing structure, there will be plenty of room for profits.
For example, you could bundle mobile app development to be a standard feature with your existing agency services. By nature, this will increase the base prices of your packages. Alternatively, you can offer app development plans as an add-on or supplemental feature for your clients.
Either way, you’re offering a service that your clients have a need for. So it’s a win-win for both of you.
3. It’s Easy to be a Reseller
Basically, anyone can become a mobile app reseller.
You don’t need to learn how to code or anything like that. App building platforms, like BuildFire, allow you to build an app from scratch without any experience.
Already owning an agency gives you even more of an advantage. Your business structure is already set up. So all you have to do is add a service, as opposed to starting a new business from the ground up.
Plus, if you have multiple clients that are in the same space or industry as each other, there’s a good chance that they will need similar apps. So you can basically offer the same app to more than one client, just branded differently for their needs.
Find a reseller program that allows you to clone your existing apps. With just one or two clicks, you can have a brand new app ready to sell to another client without doing any extra work.
You’ll just need to change the logos, color schemes, and branding. You could always make other minor changes based on the client’s requests.
For example, let’s say your agency specializes in marketing consulting for law firms. An app for one law firm probably won’t be very different from another. So you won’t have to change much to sell it to multiple clients.
With less time and resources required to build additional apps, your returns can be massive.
Depending on the reseller program you choose, you can set it up to be completely hands-off instead. Rather than building the apps yourself, you can just focus on selling the clients the software. Then your agency clients can build, edit, and manage their apps through your own branded dashboard.
You may not charge as much for this type of package, but it’s much less work on your end. The best reseller programs give you the option to do both.
So your agency can build and sell apps, just sell the software or a combination of the two. This will largely depend on the wants, needs, and budget of your clients.
I’d recommend working with a reseller platform that will be there to help you through each step of the journey. If you’re building apps on your own and run into a problem or get stuck, it’s nice to know that a customer support representative will be there to help you out.
The best reseller programs will also offer extensive guides for how to use their platform.
Here at BuildFire, we have 33 tutorials just for white label resellers.
The step-by-step guides cover everything from getting started to user onboarding and sales. We include in-depth videos and screenshots to walk you through the process of using our system.
So when you’re shopping around for a potential reseller program to choose for your agency, this is definitely a top feature that you should be looking for.
That way you’re not just left to figure out everything on your own without any help or resources.
4. You Can Offer Affordable Apps to Your Clients
Becoming an app reseller only makes sense if your agency can actually sell app services to clients. So you’ll need to do some research here.
Take a moment to look at your current and prospective clients. Why don’t they have an app right now?
If you ask them directly, it’s unlikely that their response will be, “I don’t need one.”
Business owners understand the importance of mobile adoption. We talked about this earlier. So there are other reasons holding them back. According to a recent study, these are the biggest perceived barriers for small business mobile apps.
As you can see from this graph, more than one in five small business owners believe that building an app is too expensive for them.
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But reseller programs allow your agency to make mobile app creation affordable for your clients.
All you need to do is charge an initial set up fee based on the complexity of the app, then bill a recurring monthly fee for managing the app and software.
Aside from the price, look at the other barriers on the graph above that are preventing business owners from creating a mobile app.
Half of the small business owners without an app say they haven’t built one because they don’t know-how. An additional 23% says they don’t have time to build a mobile app.
As a reseller agency, you can eliminate both of those barriers immediately with your services.
You’re consulting with a client that doesn’t know how to build an app; no problem—you can build it for them. One of your clients doesn’t have time to manage an app? No problem—you’ll manage it for them.
All of this just means more money in your pocket for the added services. We’ve already discussed how easy it is to build, edit, manage, and maintain an app. So this won’t be an issue for you as a reseller.
5. The Mobile App Industry is Still Growing
It’s not too late to join the party. There is plenty of room for mobile app resellers in this industry.
Earlier I explained that the demand for mobile apps is currently at an all-time high. But that doesn’t mean that we’ve reached the peak just yet.
The demand and growth for mobile apps are still on the rise. I don’t see any signs of this slowing down in the foreseeable future.
Just look at the trends for mobile app revenues worldwide.
From 2014 to present, mobile app revenue has more than quadrupled. App revenue has more than doubled between 2016 and 2019 as well.
Now, look at the growth projections moving forward. We’re on pace to see app revenue doubling again within the next 4 years.
That’s because apps are penetrating every industry. Smartphone usage is growing worldwide. Ecommerce mobile trends are on the rise.
Users are spending more and more time each day on their smartphones. The vast majority of that time is spent using apps.
There is an app for virtually anything. This means that the demand for mobile apps will still be here in the coming years.
As I said earlier, even if one of your clients already has a mobile app, they still might be in the market for another one. A retail store and eCommerce site might have an app for driving mobile sales. But they might also want an internal app for their HR department.
You can potentially sell more than one mobile app to the same client.
The opportunities for your agency signing new clients for app development is endless. In addition to signing new clients, you’ll also continue to get recurring revenue from your existing clients for maintaining their mobile app services.
6. You Can Measure Your Success
One of the most challenging parts of entering a new market or starting a new venture is figuring out if your choices are paying off.
Did you make the right decision? Are you making wrong moves? How can you avoid bad decisions moving forward?
With an app reseller program, your mobile app KPIs are obvious and easy to track.
For example, let’s say your building an eCommerce app for one of your small business clients. You can look at metrics like downloads, conversions, and cart abandonment rates.
Did their gross revenue increase after the app launch?
It’s not a guessing game. You’ll be able to see real numbers if the app is working or not.
These metrics will be slightly different if you’re building an app for something like internal business communication. You’ll need to get more feedback from your clients and their employees.
This feedback will be directly related to the user experience. Based on what your clients say, you’ll be able to make changes and improve your apps over time.
Your first app won’t be perfect. Your second app won’t be perfect either. But I guarantee that you’ll get better as you continue. You just need to figure out what works and what doesn’t.
Even for an internal business app, you can track metrics related to how much money the app is saving your clients. Things like less paper, fewer office supplies, and improved productivity will boost their profit margins.
By measuring your success, it gives you the opportunity to make any adjustments to your pricing structure for your reseller program.
I’m not saying you should change your rates for an existing client. You wouldn’t want to go against numbers that you already agreed upon. But you can always increase your rates moving forward if it makes sense for new clients.
7. Easy Branding
A white label reseller program means you’re not actually building a mobile app development system. Leave that to the professionals.
You’re basically just taking a platform that’s already set up and slapping your name on it.
So when a client logs in to their administrative dashboard, they’ll see your name, logo, and everything else associated with your brand.
This is super easy to do. The reseller tools provided by the app builder make it possible for you to manage all of this. Basically, you’ll be given templates to make your own. The branding process is as easy as it gets.
Overall, this will make your agency look very professional from the perspective of your clients.
Managing all of your customers is simple as well. Both you and your clients will have access to individual customer control panels. This is where the app building process takes place.
8. Adds Value to Services
White label reselling means that your services become more valuable. You instantly become more appealing to prospective clients.
As an agency, you know how challenging it can be to sign a new client.
There are lots of agencies out there offering similar services. It’s tough to stand out in a highly competitive space if you’re just doing the same thing as everyone else.
But being a mobile app reseller can become your differentiation strategy.
Not everyone out there is doing this. So if a prospective client is deciding between your agency and a few other options, you’ll definitely stand out among the competition for this unique value that you’re offering.
Ultimately, this makes the lives of your clients much easier too.
They don’t want to take the time to research and meet with an app developer. They already spent enough time trying to find an agency to help with other needs. Your agency can essentially become a one-stop-shop for everything a client needs.
Continue handling your existing services, whatever that may be. Some of you might specialize in website management, conversion rate optimization, web design, marketing, SEO, or a combination of these things.
Now you can add mobile app development to this list of services.
This will widen your reach, and help you focus on specific audiences who can afford your services. If a client is willing and able to pay for a mobile app, it’s usually safe to say they have room in their budget for other agency services as well.
At the end of the day, you’ll be able to charge more for your services, make higher profit margins, and keep your clients happy at the same time. It’s a win-win for everyone.
The mobile app industry is booming.
We’re living in a time where all mobile trends are at an all-time high. There is no sign of these slowing down in the near future.
As a result, the demand for mobile apps is higher than ever before.
Businesses need mobile apps. Your agency is in an opportunistic position to provide your current and prospective customers with mobile solutions.
The best way to do this is by becoming a white-label mobile app reseller.
For those of you who want to take advantage of this opportunity, you need to find an app builder that offers white-label platforms for resellers. Here at BuildFire, we have the mobile app reseller program that you’ve been looking for.
Our services are agency friendly. We’ll give you the power to scale as you grow.
Your clients can even sign up to build an app through an automated free trial and sales process, which gives them a chance to try the platform out without having to spend any money.
When the apps are built, you don’t have to worry about getting them into the app stores. BuildFire takes care of publishing for you and your clients.